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Saturday, July 2, 2011

interview of the father

interview is very informative and elaborately descried  about India's religions and their philosophy .our   country is   very imaginative he him self admitted that India is land of several  religions origin nation..in our literature by means VEDAS/PURANS/ UPNISHAD/SHASTRAS are the treasures of knowledge. depth of knowledge is like a oceans. like ocean all sorts of knowledge/information's are there . the fore most is art of living in beautiful manners.medical, ethical, metallurgy chemistry , physics, maths. astrology etc are scientifically proved written on the basis of experiences, knowledge's. teaching standard was very highest class. there were universities , universally accepted centers of knowledge's.
foremost things about Jainism had preached the lesson of NON  VIOLENCE, TRUTHFULNESS NON -STEALING,  CHASTITY,NON POSSESSION/NON ATTACHMENT.in the way of scientifically and ethically described. now question is what is religion? thorough study of literature on comparative religion with a scientific and impartial attitude lead to the conclusion that religion is not a bundle of irrational dogmas and unreasonable rituals but it is an exact science like mathematics. it is based on eternal truths. it does not feel shy of critical examination. it is a systematic. it has the magic power to ward off all our worries immediately and establish lasting peace in our hearts. it provides peace, prosperity and happiness to the entire world.it elevates the soul and sweetens the life. mythological, unscientific, superstitious faiths provide materials  for fanaticism, which kills genuine and beneficial religion and makes life more miserable. in fact the religion of the fanatic is like adevil. who has cunningly put on the robe of lovely looking divinity. non violence is the greatest force at the disposal of man kind . it is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man.

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