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Friday, July 22, 2011


what type of democracy is running in our country.?are they ruining the nation.?drinking is good or bad, we must first decide? if it is bad so why we are advocating for the drinking?once proved it is harmful  to all ages so there is no need of any age of on set the drinking. i will not say to any one to drink. I SAY THAT TO DRINK MORE  ANY INVITE THE DISEASES OF HEART, LIVER, KIDNEY, DIABETES. MORE DRINK MORE CRIMES . NO NEED OF FAMILY PLANNING. POPULATION WILL CONTROL AUTOMATICALLY.if you check the liberty of any one who will oppose you so do not oppose him. we don't teach to our children to speak truth, we teach do not speak lie. if you say do not urinate in this place  so we will violate the rule, if we say DO URINATION HERE AND GO FORWARD SO WE WILL HESITATE. if you say that provide the drink since birth to every children because it is use ful for their parents and for that child. how? child will be intoxicated so he will not weep. he will not disturb you and your house holds. he will sleep soundly so you can enjoy internally and externally freely.so you will be tension less and the child will be remain rest full. no need of wandering here and there. my sincere advise to the parents to start with 1/2 spoon so later on he will be addictive for bottles. the growth and developments will be natural courses and parents will be free from his problems. in the age of 25  he will be known as super class drinker ads.  then no need of employments,because he will loss the appetites due to liver disorders diseases, he will not get old age because he will die below 40so population control be there. and govts will be tension less for the responsibility of   young's. his exchequers will  increase involuntarily. there will no need of advertisements. SO DRINK MORE  AND COOPERATE  in the control of populations, increase the crime movements. TO HELP TO THE DOCTORS FOR YOUR TREATMENTS.from all corners drinking is useful since birth. so our country's future will be bright. now a days the liquors are mostly used in  I T'S,CORPORATE  SECTORS. there is compulsory to drink  every employees may be male or female. if females drink so no need of marriages and free sex will be prevalent and unwanted child will be there. in this way parents will be free from the responsibly of daughters and easily known as grand papa and grand nana. SO THESE ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF DRINK. IF SOME WILL NOT DRINK WILL BE PROSECUTED BY THE COURTS. IN THIS WAY GOVT S ARE IN ENJOYABLE SITUATIONS.NO CRIMES, NO POPULATION PROBLEMS, NO PENSIONS  NO OLD AGES CENTERS. ALL IS WELL.

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