HISTORY== it is clearly described the demarcations of male and female children.Males are dominating in the family, society. females had played vital roles in making the family,the nation . if we go through the history SEETA, SAVITRI, PARVATI,LAXMI,RANI DURGAWATI, JHANSI KI RANI. INDIRA GANDHI ETC.
MOTHER== we are born by our mothers. there are several sons and daughter are born and are boring every day but mother of LORD RAM, SEETA, KRISHANA. MAHAVEER, BUDHDHA, GANDHI are great beloved and honored by all like wise there are four directions but SUN rises from the EAST so respected regarded and worshiped by all.
BEAUTY OF FEMALE CHILDREN== every time and every ages the girls are beloved by all. they are the future of the generations.if they were not so we were also not in the existence.still females will not there in our society, in our homes so new generation will be no where.
CAUSES OF KILLINGS OF FEMALES== due to civil wars, external wars the males are required as a worriers. securities of the females were the tedious jobs.rapes, and unwanted children had created a biggest problems faced by individuals, families and societies. after the long time passed the DOWRY had played a vital roles to killings the females . atrocities due to non payments of the dowry created a terrible problems in person, families. previously the the structure of the society was based on money, wealth. KINGS, ZAGEERDARS, ZAMEENDARS DID ATROCITIES on girls, women..safety was not there.some times female infants were killed brutely.if they were saved so before marriages or after marriages they had to adopt ex
tra marital relations with others wanted or unwanted.complications of their lives were very crucial s. in this way they were known as curse of the family, society and nation.after Independence and developments of medical sciences the inventions of the instruments, apparatus we had adopted the test for the diseased mothers
whether she is fit to continue the pregnancy. so that method converted in to the sex determination test. due its mal practices the rate of females killings increased. due to this the ratio of males and females proportions are very alarming s.
AT PRESENT STATUS==the ratio is increased and males and females gap is wider. less numbers of the females and male numbers increased so many abnormalities are occurring in the society. at present in some casts marriageable male candidates are more and females are less so males are giving money to females parents. early marriages are also playing the vital roles for increasing the population.abortions, rapes are increased due to cinemas, T V cultures. simultaneously the advancements of IT, internate has educated in early age sex education. due to this SEXUALITY INCREASED. LIVE IN RELATION SHIP IS ALSO A FACTOR TO KILL THE FEMALE CHILD.
DUTIES OF THE RELIGION,SOCIETY,POLITICS AND INDIVIDUALS=== no religion had advocated to kill males or female children. still this act is known as violence's so our constitution permits genocides. but our selfish attitudes increasing this tendency.at present due to wide imbalances. societies are not permitting the genocides. he individual is also suffering the killings of innocents. guilty conciousness is there. it is aviolence, does not give peace. after all we are the killers. it is a heinous crime.politicians are also worried for the control of the populations. they also understand the need of females children.in personal level now we have no discrimination. females are more active in education, technical, political, administrative fields . we respect the females. government is interested for equal rights. so it is a collective responsibility of all to protect female children.
MOTHER== we are born by our mothers. there are several sons and daughter are born and are boring every day but mother of LORD RAM, SEETA, KRISHANA. MAHAVEER, BUDHDHA, GANDHI are great beloved and honored by all like wise there are four directions but SUN rises from the EAST so respected regarded and worshiped by all.
BEAUTY OF FEMALE CHILDREN== every time and every ages the girls are beloved by all. they are the future of the generations.if they were not so we were also not in the existence.still females will not there in our society, in our homes so new generation will be no where.
CAUSES OF KILLINGS OF FEMALES== due to civil wars, external wars the males are required as a worriers. securities of the females were the tedious jobs.rapes, and unwanted children had created a biggest problems faced by individuals, families and societies. after the long time passed the DOWRY had played a vital roles to killings the females . atrocities due to non payments of the dowry created a terrible problems in person, families. previously the the structure of the society was based on money, wealth. KINGS, ZAGEERDARS, ZAMEENDARS DID ATROCITIES on girls, women..safety was not there.some times female infants were killed brutely.if they were saved so before marriages or after marriages they had to adopt ex
tra marital relations with others wanted or unwanted.complications of their lives were very crucial s. in this way they were known as curse of the family, society and nation.after Independence and developments of medical sciences the inventions of the instruments, apparatus we had adopted the test for the diseased mothers
whether she is fit to continue the pregnancy. so that method converted in to the sex determination test. due its mal practices the rate of females killings increased. due to this the ratio of males and females proportions are very alarming s.
AT PRESENT STATUS==the ratio is increased and males and females gap is wider. less numbers of the females and male numbers increased so many abnormalities are occurring in the society. at present in some casts marriageable male candidates are more and females are less so males are giving money to females parents. early marriages are also playing the vital roles for increasing the population.abortions, rapes are increased due to cinemas, T V cultures. simultaneously the advancements of IT, internate has educated in early age sex education. due to this SEXUALITY INCREASED. LIVE IN RELATION SHIP IS ALSO A FACTOR TO KILL THE FEMALE CHILD.
DUTIES OF THE RELIGION,SOCIETY,POLITICS AND INDIVIDUALS=== no religion had advocated to kill males or female children. still this act is known as violence's so our constitution permits genocides. but our selfish attitudes increasing this tendency.at present due to wide imbalances. societies are not permitting the genocides. he individual is also suffering the killings of innocents. guilty conciousness is there. it is aviolence, does not give peace. after all we are the killers. it is a heinous crime.politicians are also worried for the control of the populations. they also understand the need of females children.in personal level now we have no discrimination. females are more active in education, technical, political, administrative fields . we respect the females. government is interested for equal rights. so it is a collective responsibility of all to protect female children.
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