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Saturday, November 20, 2010

corruption must be legalized

at present the word CORRUPTION is very high lighted. i want to say some thing about the corruption. it not a new word in our society. it was used in the holy books and described elaborately. corruption,bribes and SUVIDHA -SHULKA are required in the society. at present our demands or requirements are increased or increasing day by day. every body wants all the facilities of the universe. universe is one and people of the universe are-in billions so how much things are in existence.from peon to president wants a beautiful wife, bungalow and a car invites the disease of heart,mind.in my view to remove the word CORRUPTION FROM THE CONSTITUTION and to legalized in our country. all the crimes are originated by ZAR, JORI. JAMEEN JHAGDE KI JAD TEEN.WE ARE ALL WORRIED FOR CORRUPTION. if you want to remove the corruption do not DISCUS MORE. if you want to catch the shadow so you stand or stay. previously population control programed failed due to over control. my dear P.M. you may be honest in you self but your subordinates are not to be sure that they are honest. HONESTY WAS THE BEST POLICY,at present is not.you see in your surroundings majority of the corrupts are higher and there are clandestine nexus of corrupts.you can not fight with ill habits of the society. they are removed by the individual. these SINS or PAAPS were remained in the history so our ancient rishies or priests or religious books mentioned these sins elaborately. there are five sins in the universe and all laws and rules are for the five sins.they remained and will remain in the universe.try to control them and minimized them by ethical and religious way. rules for fools .corrupts have many ways to safe. our rule and acts are hole proof. if you adopt one way they follow hundreds ways to safety.these sermons are the beaten paths .do not weep.when you have chosen the thorny cap of P.M. knowingly so you enjoy.do not say the every day test,test is tasty.so entertain them and enjoy. forget the word CORRUPTION AND .REMOVE FROM THE DICTIONARY AND LEGALIZED THE WORD. in place of honesty use the word corruption. all problems and tests will automatically disappear

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