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Monday, March 7, 2011


History repeats it self. time is the biggest teacher and  mightiest. once Yadavs' were in power so they used  their powers and now she is in power so playing her powers. at present the fever of mergers of the political parties.so my sincere advise to SHRI YADAV G  if SHE is ready to merge in your----party so accept her request, why you are in favor of PANJA. SHE will help you in place of PANJA forever and both will enjoy one by one in UP UP. NO DOWN. this will be the ideal treatments of both because both are infected by the  same power bacterias. fever will down after taking the anti pyre tics. so come up so fever of powers will down for forever. politics is the play ground of enjoyments.after the merges you will remain also home arrest life long.

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