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Thursday, March 17, 2011


what is the use of U N O and security members. they are seems to be tigers without teeth, since 2months time passed, anarchism, atrocities,lawlessness are prevalent in LIBYA. thousands were killed and same are waiting for the killings. since long you were known about him and his misdeeds. you are watching and showing timidness, cowardliness. for what purpose you are sitting on highest regulatory power posts. is it worthy for you people.innocents are killing for their genuine causes. i am unable to understand that you are doing crimes knowingly. is SADDAM so powerful that he is beyond your approaches. if some poor country may adopt such measure so you with the help of U S A will impose banns and try to cut off from all benefits. it seems that you are double tonged and  faced  personalities. now where is AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL, HUMAN RIGHT'S COMMISSION. you are also co accused of EGYPT, LIBYA and other countries instability. it is a alarming sign of your integrity. why you are not taking drastic actions against them.merciless killings are there. they are known as a dictators. holocaust  is there. please take necessary measures as early as possible.   

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