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Saturday, March 5, 2011

death feast,night dinner banned

 JAIN== JUSTICE,AFFECTION, INTROSPECTION, NOBILITY. Jain is not religion it is a philosophy of life. main principles of Jainism are AHIMSA, APRIGRAHA, ANEKANTAVAD. AHIMSA (NON-VIOLENCE) is the need of the hour, every where, in whole world all countries are facing the burning problems violence. according to Jainism  there  are 5 VRATAS- NON VIOLENCE,TRUTHFULNESS,NON-STEALING,CHASTITY, AND  NON- POSSESSION.AND OPPOSITE OF THEM ARE KNOWN PAAPS(SINS). I want to disclose one more thing that all countries including India all laws, rules, regulations, acts are  for 5 sins. and the remedies are 5 vratas,so main objects of jains not to conduct night dinners, death feasts, night marriages. if you adopt only few things you can save your selves and prevent from many wastage's and sins. it is not only the jobs of JAINS,these principles, ethics are applicable to mankind and humanity.  there are several advantages of day time marriage -- no electricity, no drinks, no hinsa , good for hygienic points of views. so in true sense at present to adopt all religions  good ethical values for the saving of humanity and peace in the universe, nations, societies and individuals so property will be there. happiness is the key of progress.    

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