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Sunday, February 20, 2011

IT crackdown on politicians

they are not the citizens of INDIA. they are incarnated personalities of the nation, if such irregularities done by a govt officers so they will be penalized by the I T department. in true sense they are fearless, thick skinned ,irresponsible creatures of the nation.in true sense they are the rulers of the country. we the govt employees are the servants of them.in my opinion if they find guilty and not following the rules of the department so penalized them,and debarred from the M.P and keep them behind the bars,they are not excusable. for the corruptions they all know the rules, but for the welfare of the nation they are innocents.on next they are not to be entitle for any elections.ignorance is not excused. they are entertaining on the cost of our people's taxes money. they are the super class society club members are getting all luxury and privileged by the govt. they are true corrupts and by the post they en-cash all benefits.now the awakening era is started. in middle east and Arab countries revolutions are on set. it is the beginning of the revolt. if they politicians, bureaucrats, traders,manufactures will not follow the rules and regulations of the country they   will be boycotted by the public and will keep them in jails. we are on the alter of the revolution.our intellectuals are sleeping due to goonadism   is there. honest and cultured are away from the politics. politics is now known as a business, previously known as a service to the poor people. 

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