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Friday, August 26, 2011

health o anna and G OI

 GO I is not worried for the anna g . they are thinking that at present he is a great hurdle of their working. previously they have at liberty to eat more and more. there was no control over them. now this bill be create a biggest problems before them. how cruel G O I is. they have only lip sympathies with ANNA G. they are interested to kill him. he is surrounded by many people so he is safe. ANNA is a man of iron will power, he is fearless and being an honest he is fighting bravely. mobs are with him. if some mishap pen occur the condition will be out of control. in other words violent revolution will start.  MPS are elected by us and now ignoring us. it is unbearable situation. if up to tomorrow the G O I will not decide the matter and the condition of ANNAg is deteriorating so  people will come out on street and unwarranted situation will be there. it is an alarming situation. he will sacrifice his life for the welfare of the people and the G OI  will be in trouble.why G O I is not accepting the JAN LOKPAL BILL.  a person who is a salaried person may be the president, prime minister, ministers, officials, judiciary and NGOs and public must be under the purview of the bill. no body is above the law.

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