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Wednesday, June 1, 2011


f we count the expenditures on military, weapons and arsenals will be uncountable. we want to know from you and all around the world  total amount will be more uncountable.if we expense huge sums we can solve the food , education,poverty problems.although it is not applicable but a matter of considerations.it is a political matter.really we are exepensing  more money in this field, which is now unbearable. nuclear weapons,terrorism,are the main cause of unrest in the world. every nation is fighting for existence. it is a fight of egoism. we are fighting and fighting  for ego.our time, money , energy and food are wasting every moment. we want peace  in the universe. for the peace we want non violence. by means of nonviolence we can establish peace. if once peace will establish all these expenses will be stopped.it is a golden hour for us. we have seen 2 world wars.in those wars millions of people killed and millions properties ruined.after that still we are fighting and for the maintenance of peace we are wasting money. i request to all nations heads to end the wars   and establish peace. peace will be establish by the principles of religion.MAHATMA  GANDHI fought with Britishers by means of non violence.MARTIN LUTHER KING died for non violence. still non violence is the supreme power than nuclear power.we want prosper ties, love, peace by means of nonviolence, truth,non possessions,celibacy ,non stealing. if we follow this object in the life--I grant forgiveness to all living beings,may all living beings grant me forgiveness. my friendship is with all living beings,my enemity is totally non existent. MAY the whole cosmos be blessed, may all beings engage in each others well beings, may all weakness, sickness, ad faults diminish and vanish. may everyone and every where be healthy, prosper, blissful and peaceful.JAINISM UPHOLDS NONVIOLENCE AS THE SUPREME RELIGION THOUGHT,WORD AND  DEED.ALL LIFE IS MUTUALLY SUPPORTIVE. THE MIGHTS THAT HAVE DEPARTED WITH NEVER RETURN. THEY ARE PROFITABLE FOR ONE WHO IS GIVEN TO RIGHTEOUSNESS.SO I REQUEST TO OBAMA KINDLY INITIATE TO ESTABLISH PEACE IN THE  WORLD.

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