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Monday, June 20, 2011

penal gives lokpal bill

 WE know that govt is accepting some points of civil society and civil society is interested for their agenda. govt position is not sound at present.so it is the duty of the govt to satisfied the oppositions and public. if not the chances of revolutions are there. because due to corruptions and deposits of our currency in foreign banks are also a alarming sign of the govt. in my view govt should take actions against them may be ruling party or any one. once the huge sums will come back so we are in such a position that we will be dignified position and we will develop. culprits must be punished. one thing i want to draw that in whole world, in all nations the rules and regulations and laws are framed for 5 SIf both parties are ready to accept the lokpal bill draft is good sign of democracy. we know that government is playing fowl games.government will leave some lacunae in favor of  own self. civil society will  loose some important points in favor of govt. now well begin half done. really it was a herculean task done by both. we know govt is doing unwanted due to pressure. at present in govt sides many scams, corruption cases are on the screen soRIGRAHA(POSSESSION, ATTACHMENT) AND THE TREATMENTS  ARE 5 VRITAS--- AHIMSA (NON VIOLENCE).SATYA (TRUTHFULNESS),ASTEYA (NON STEALING),BRAHMACHARYA(CHASITY) A govt wants to dilute the angers  of the public and oppositions. some politicians are entertaining in TIHAR JNS-- HINSA ( VIOLENCE), JHOOTH( UNTRUTH), CHORI ( STEAL) KUSHEEL( NON CELIBACY )PPRIGRAHA(NON POSSESSION) today we are seeing, watching, committing 5 sins daily so need of lokpal bill, C B I , E D ,POLICE, COURTS, ADVOCATES, LAWS. RULES AND REGULATIONS. IF we follow 5 righteous paths-- VRITA so there will be no need of any courts, police, lokpal bills etc, if we will follow the 5 SINS so  we will require more effective bills. one thing is there that we have lost CHARACTER FROM INDIVIDUALS, FAMILY, SOCIETY AND NATION. YOU CAN ENFORCE ALL RULES , THEY WILL BE USELESS WHEN WE WILL NOT ADOPT CHARACTER.KINDLY STRESS ON CHARACTER BUILDING. IF NOT NO BILL BE EFFECTIVE.SECOND APPLY THE WORD BHEE IN PLACE OF HEE. TO RESPECT THE OPINIONS OF OTHERS.WE ARE HOPEFUL FOR THE SUCCESS.

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