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Monday, April 4, 2011

at chernobyl , awarning for Japan

these nuclear blasts are the easiest way of homicides. i am disagree on this issue. who had invented. what was his object,what we did, are we have anti doses of the radiations, who built the nuclear plants. they have imagined that there will be no accidents occur. if occur what will be our s tragedy. all constructions were done under the supervisions of the top pest scientists and the regulatory authorities. after the constructions of these plants  how much advantageous for us.  after the blasts of these plants how much we suffered and sufferings.those were died and are alike dead are living in miseries.we have misused the technologies.still we have not learned the lessons from the accidents. we are misusing the nature, nature's elements like ether, earth, water, fire and space. we are so dependent on science and forgotten the ethical values of the religion, spiritual philosophy. we are living in cosmos and neglecting the 5 elements and religion. we are trying to become the super power and above the god. What is GOD === GENERATION, OPERATION AND DESTRUCTION. So we have neglected the   existence of GOD and become slf styled god. when these accidents occur we become help less and who;;y dependent  on Almighty GOD. save us. it is good time for us to respect the existence of 5 elements and religion. we constitute the company as a limited  but we are using the 5 elements unlimited.every element has a energy and if diffuses so becomes dangerous and converts into disastrous. in INDIA we are facing GAS TRAGEDY IN Bhopal  since more than 26 years. every day the sufferers are suffering with various ailments. so nuclear plants radiations are most harmful for cosmos and their after effects will remain years to gather from generation to generations. their effects on the whole human body. that means all systems are effected by the radiations. not only to human beings but also on animal kingdoms, forests. ecological imbalances will be there. their effects remain on genes,and congenital diseases will ruin the lives of the human. newly born child also effected by the radiations  .we have no anti doses of the radiations. at present we are helpless. and we will remain helpless.   in other words it is a criminal offense.culprits must be prosecuted by the law. law is regulated by government so who are accountable should be punished and diseased should be treated freely by the govt. it is a great alarming sign for future. future is not safe . so respect the 5 elements and adopt religious values in our life. co existences of nature and humanity must be established harmoniously.we pray to god for the safe guard of the people who are suffered and will suffer. apply all safety but you will be against nature you have to suffer more and more.   

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