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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

full text of Hazare 's letter to p m

corruption is a incurable disease like cancer. this fight is not between Hazare G and P M.  it is the fight of conduct and misconduct. we are suffering this disease since long. now we are accustomed  the disease. immunity power increased. suffering is the only treatment. intolerance's disappeared.now we are waiting for revolution. now Hazare G is a beginner  G O I IS  A HARD  HEAR TED AGENCY.they are in the mud's of corruptions and they are earning for generations.in our ancient text books they have elaborately described   the treatment of the corruptions. to resist the movement is wrong. G  O I  invite the agitators and resolve the problems.  i hope that G O I is not affected by corruption because corruption is the  part of govt.govt is enhancing corruption. there is indirectly or directly support of  govt in this subject.

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