it is true that if you will fight against the govt will adopt revengeful attitudes. it is a procedures of the govt. no body is exempted by the faults. so it is the duties of the govt to find out the faults. the faults are the natural courses of the public and individuals. it is nothing , to demoralized the person concerned and deviate the major issues. baba is fighting for corruptions, black money and good governance. so central govt is in trouble so searching of baba and try to penalized hih. govt can but you can not suppress the voices of the baba and his followers. central govt is also doing irregularities every day so who is asking. when S C interferes the matter so govt shows his fight bravely baba g . they will punish you. you have opportunities for natural justice,to fight up to last breaths of life.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
at 78 p m works hard
P M is very hard worker so his subordinates used to say that, we are unable to work under him because he is hard in work. although he does his his duties very hard, he does his duties honestly and is his honest. why is failure in the fields of corruptions, price hikes, scams, and black money issues, lokpal bills etc. we know the coalition problems and indirectly under the influences of SONIA G . WE CAN NOT DENY THAT WITHOUT THE DESIRES OF HER HE IS UNABLE TO TAKE ANY is a pity conditions of the P M . he is a honest and hard worker but not taking hard decisions. why ? because he is dependent. it is my submission on this issue that in next election you and your party will not success. you will be in opposition. you own-self will be not a member of any houses.your image is falling. in international scenario you are respectable but in own country you are at present is not a honorable state. so kindly minimizes the problems raised by oppositions. in next MONSOON SESSION you will be i trouble. i know that you are so polite so you will surrender your self. forgiveness is the mightiest weapon. in true sense the national conditions and situations are very poor and you and your cabi nate is not working in team manners. we know you are forcibly on the seat of P M. MOST ARE NOT INTERESTED IN FAVOR OF YOU. any way still you have accept the lokpal bill drafts, black money issues and price hikes. if you will not take any initiatives so will be in troubles. i know you accepts all faults of your colleagues and party. you image at present is very poor. now accept the challenges and fight bravely. you are getting lip sympathies but in naked all are futile and in vain. so hard working is not so essential than soothing the problems of the people. so make you mind make up for the diminishes of the issues and win over the problems.
12 babies die at govt hospital in KOLKATTA.
no body claims the irregularities of the doctors. a doctor who takes the vary time decisions remains correct. they brought the patents in critical conditions in to the hospital. deaths of the patients are very alarming. these losses are unbearable also. doctors should be responsible and should perform their duties honest and dutiful.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
black money should be declared national property
i do agree with the comments of ramdev baba that the black money should be declared national properties so that amount will be useful for the development of the nation. one thing i want to add in this movement that until or unless we will not create the atmosphere of the character building all efforts will be futile, in requires ethical teachings. religious values must be in the every walk of life. we know the rules, regulations, laws are not useful in our country until we should apply in our lives religious and ethical values. politicians, officials, minister, corporate sectors require religious teaching. rules for fools. we have several examples like LAOO MADHU ETC previously being the culprits are still saved and entertaining the powers. so character building is must in top priorities . if we adopt religious values in our lives so there will no need of nay lokpal bills and harder rules. law makers are the law breakers in our society. we want developments in our country. every should be live in respetable ways.
we know justice VARMA'S opinion's to safe guard the P M . he has not clearly said about the C J I . WE want to know that PM, PRESIDENT, MINISTERS, CJI TOP OFFICIALS, who so ever drawing the salary from the exchequer of the govts are known as a civil and govt servants. if they do the corruptions,irregularities, frauds etc must be treated as a govt servants must be known as accused and punished them accordingly. if a citizen does irregularity is a punishable. is there any prevail age to PRESIDENT, PM C JI M P , MLA, CM, OFFICIALS to conduct any irregularities will be not punishable. if so then no need of lokpal bills, C B I , ED, POLICE, INCOME TAX DEPTS, being the EX C J I is advocating the above mentioned personalities should not be in the fields of lokpal bills. in other countries there are no special provisions for P M AND WHO SO EVER. WHY IN OUR COUNTRY THIS SPECIAL CATEGORY IS PROVIDED.
civil society not to be used agitations.
MR Kapil IS also very knowledgeable and experienced minister, advocate and in person. he is playing vital role in drafting the lokpal bill.he is interested his choice places. he will play a skilled role. we want the eradication of corruptions. bills, laws, rules and regulations are not useful to control the corruptions .we want character building agitations. because rules for fools. law makers are real law breakers. so they will find the way for their safety. we want neat and clean, no confused rules and laws we want.more complicated rules are not applicable in our country.because the politicians, officials, corporates are not trust worthy at present. we hope this generation will not help us. you are very seasoned politician. maximum politicians are most corrupt. if they found culprits must be behind the bars. we want black money should come back from abroad so that amount will help ful for the developments of the nation. we want peaceful manner to dissolve the crisis. we want simple, applicable rules for the eradication of corruptions. we want character building movements. , without character we will not be successful. please do not waste time, money , energy and food in disputes.we use our energy in constructive way for the welfare of the nation, citizens especially poor, untoched with the current of the policy of govts. we are waiting for constructive platform.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
now retiring doctors
what a shameful condition of state govt that he is unable to run existing medical colleges. they are asking retired doctors and professors to teach them. it is a pity conditions due to non availability of teachers, reservations, court cases. no interest all factors are responsible for the darkness of the students.the professors of the clinical subjects not want transfers. if done so go to courts or due to political interference or LAA AND ORDER BASIS THEY GET SUCCESS. so in all situations are alarming and future of students are bad. to ensure the parameters and education standard must be up to marks.
left on god's mercy
development of infrastructures of the stations are needed. in the same time morality and humanity also require.previously if you ask about the arrival of trains location of trains or any smaller information's to any railway's servants or even coolies so are able to guide you. now a days no body bothers your grievances. if you ask any thing to any one who will say i don't know, or go there. they are apathetic.Evey body .in hurry. yes if you will do the greasing palms to them so they will help you.there is no way to solve the problems. being a responsible person and you did efforts so they were saved , until or unless they will be known as accused, criminals, or terrorists and may be behind the bars. who will teach .them. being a govt servants they are fearless, they have no accountability of their duties you may up graded the buildings, infrastructures and amenities but the men power will not be dutiful all efforts will be futile.after the 65 years of independent still we are struggling for basic needs. when top pest bosses are not honest and respectable so how we can trust on juniors.we are still hoping against hope we have not given up hope. we are optimistic.
is rahul ready?
first he should be marry.still he is bachelor or unmarried. DIGGI make a arrangement of his marriage first. when he will ready to perform domestic duties, then be a cabi nate minister for one tenure.after his performances to be a P. M OR SO ON WHAT HE WANTS. WHEN DIGGI is his manager so Gandhi has no problems.
fake caste certificates
it is not a new thing in our country. IN MY STATE M.P. in REWA AND GWALIOR DIVISIONS if you scrutinized the MARK SHEETS, RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATES AND CAST CERTIFICATES,one may be fake or false. there are thousands persons are doing services, education. if they found wrong or false so legal proceedings are so lengthy so they get benefits. when cloning of human, animals are there so the preparations of fake documents are not hard. people are paying huge sum for admissions or employments, when exposed so remains in behind the bars.
indore doctors operating sex change
knowledge, arts, sciences are the boons or curse for societies we do not know.every coin has two sides.i am not say whether doctors or surgeons are doing humanitarian work or not . their acts are useful for society are yes or no,according to law points of views they are in safety zones. it is a matter of self introspection's where they are doing ethical or unethical. i know there are many fields where there are no rules, regulations or law.if you are residing out side or local, no body is using CCTV FOR YOU so you can perform immoral deeds which are unethical for your wife, children, wise the surgeons are performing sex change operations with the consents of their parents as per laws they are right and parents are also present it is not treated as a crime. in true sense they are performing these operations for the welfare of the individuals, for self,for society , for nation in favor of good causes or self developments. what will be the fate of post operations. what will be fate of operated true sense whether it is right or wrong. if right do continue and if wrong so stop. we know surgeons are are right and is a sources of money.. please keep your concerned for humanity.
it is not a new thing. there are officers and clerical staffs are responsible and accountable. this is the planned clandestine nexus.if any body found guilty must be punished with R I . it is a shameful condition of the department and govts.
satya sai baba 's money exposures
it is the beginning of the satya sai baba's trust the trust there are unaccountable money and ornaments. govt does not requires sources of income . govt wants only tax after that whole amount becomes white. intrue sense trusty have lost the trust. so conflicts will increases. now wait and watch.
Friday, June 24, 2011
harkat ul muhadin
U S A and PAK both are cheating each others. U S A is showing his innocent on this matter. we are sure that both countries are passing their stools by the same anus. it is a primarily matter that no body can enter in any country without the consent of the govt. second no body can not establish himself with the local supports. LADEN was there since long. he was brought up there. his wives delivered children. his family and daily requirements were fulfilled by local bodies. they were ill.the physicians were there locally. a person socially every days needs require, they were available locally. laden was controlling the militant groups, without local and central govts support. U S A SHOWING HIS IGNORANCE ON THE MATTER THAT by the cellphone they are able to traces all activities of laden. both countries are welknown about his in and outs. secondly U S A WAS WELL KNOWN ALL ACTIVITIES OF PAK AND LADEN. U S A is misleading the world. ihe is showing that we have killed the laden after that long term efforts. PAK has no courage to hide any thing with U S A. SO BOTH ARE CHEATING EACH OTHER AND BOTH ARE BE FOOLING TO THE UNIVERSE.when U SA HAS MORE POWERS his F B I personals all watching every activities of the terrorism and militants so why you have wasted 10 year time with huge expenses.IT MEAS U SA WAS FAILED OR UNDER THE PLAN BARAK HAS TAKEN THE STEPS. coming year is an election year so he will show his efficiency, but other way barak is failure in this mission. he has all information's of laden. he was in touch with ' pakistan's counter parts. on the killings of the laden the expenses on him were more than his capacity. these terrorists are like amoeba, they are developing in multiplications .one laden killed many will born with revenge full attitude . my submission is on these issues to create the non violence atmosphere. non violence enjoins not only passion towards human or subhuman beings,but also abandoning even the thought of causing injury.if you have evil thought to cause harm to others, you are said to have committed the of fence of violence spiritually, although the idea may not have been translated into action physically. INDIAN PENAL CODE shows that criminal of fence rest upon the intention, which is technically known as 'mens rea'
non violence has positive aspects also. it stands for love for all creatures in pursuance of love for all living beings . so try to established love to all. and expenses on wars must be minimized and that amount should be utilized for the welfare of the people. eradication of poverty. on health, education, food and for the need of charitable work especially in SOUTH AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST ETC. it is the proper time in your leadership we will see the bright future and will able to live in fearless atmospheres.
non violence has positive aspects also. it stands for love for all creatures in pursuance of love for all living beings . so try to established love to all. and expenses on wars must be minimized and that amount should be utilized for the welfare of the people. eradication of poverty. on health, education, food and for the need of charitable work especially in SOUTH AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST ETC. it is the proper time in your leadership we will see the bright future and will able to live in fearless atmospheres.
U S A and PAK both are cheating each others. U S A is showing his innocent on this matter. we are sure that both countries are passing their stools by the same anus. it is a primarily matter that no body can enter in any country without the consent of the govt. second no body can not establish himself with the local supports. LADEN was there since long. he was brought up there. his wives delivered children. his family and daily requirements were fulfilled by local bodies. they were ill.the physicians were there locally. a person socially every days needs require, they were available locally. laden was controlling the militant groups, without local and central govts support. U S A SHOWING HIS IGNORANCE ON THE MATTER THAT by the cellphone they are able to traces all activities of laden. both countries are welknown about his in and outs. secondly U S A WAS WELL KNOWN ALL ACTIVITIES OF PAK AND LADEN. U S A is misleading the world. ihe is showing that we have killed the laden after that long term efforts. PAK has no courage to hide any thing with U S A. SO BOTH ARE CHEATING EACH OTHER ANE BOTH ARE BE FOOLING TO THE UNIVERSE.
yesterday i have written a comment on this issue. it is nothing only a wastage of time, money , energy and food. pakistan is not a trust worthy nation. politicians of pak are spineless and dependent on the desires of military. military do not want peace between us, because if peace will established so their sources of income will be vanished. they do not want friendship. even politicians of pak are doing lip sympathies. like wise our INDIAN govt is not desirous to establish peace, especially politicians and ruling parties. they are showing efforts that we are inclined to establish peace in the region. if peace, friendship will occur so their election matter will subside and unaccountable expenses will be minimized. no chances of corruptions and no sources of income will be there. the major topics those are burning issues are always over looked by pak. the disease is incurable. so no need of worries. we are wasting time in meetings, eating and any body is ready to accept their demands or issues. you can not please every one. we seeing these bloody talks since 65 years. cross border infiltrations you can not my sincere advise to G O I please do not develop more thick relations with pak.
hey thick skinned, shameful rascals ministers and g o i you are forgotten the grievances of the poor and middle class people. why you are playing with the lives of innocent people.every day G O I and congress party playing fowl games for the people so to deviate the root causes problems and cheating the people. G O I understands that the country men are cold blooded one or two days will be agitations after that tranquility will be there. they bloody ministers never purchase the articles so they are unaware of the pains. they are totally HARAMKHOR, MUPHATKHOR. they will be beaten by people. spineless P M is showing helplessness.SONIA G IS PLAYING DUAL ROLES. IN FUTURE NO BODY WILL ASK YOU.
property is most useful
some one said that if you have a immovable property, so that is most useful than your sons. sons are not helpful and faithful than many years will support your kids and kins.but the properties will help to you years to gather.
pak to let osama's wife
in this regard PAKISATN IS SHOWING LIBERTY TO HER.IF SHE WERE THE SIMPLE PERSON'S WIFE SO SHE CAN BE DISAPPEARED. pak has the generosity,this type of generosity we require for all . be human and adopt humanity. if pak will do any misbehave to her who so ever may not be there.
i know that as a minister of G O I , as a spokesman of congress party and BEING A SENIOR LAWYER, lier. he keeps all qualifications how to defense the accused. he is a seasoned, clever, cunning, personalities of the nation. he plays with words. he earns with words. he is a player of words. he knows how to use the words , where use the comma, full stops.he be fooled RAMDEV BABA , AND TRYING TO BE FOOLED TO ANNA .he knows how to prepare the bill, where leave the lacunae,how to prevent and defense the govts and corrupts . MR Sibble tomorrow is not yours. always remember to live in present. no body knows about future. god knows only . tomorrow you may not be the minister, not in power. to always respect to others. if you want to dissolve the conflict so be honest in your self. you must be characterful to own self and for others. apply one word in your life and in your practice BHEE (ALSO ) IN PLACE OF HEE (HAVE TO, MUST). TRY TO SOLVE THE CONFLICT IN EASY WAY. one thing is clear that at present awakening is there. you don't think that in power you can mis use your powers. you are elected and selected by the people. we people have powers to change the constitutions. at present you are in power so executing the rules and regulations, but at present you are a servant of the govt. i know that you have limitations but do not ignore to others. i also know that being a advocate you may fight the case against the govt. so leaving some lacunae in the bill. i am also understand that the black money matter is mostly related to your party men and ministers. you may also be a part of black money. like wise in future you may be in trouble if you will adopt the lokpal bill prepared by civil society you are also worried for future. so you are adopting safety measures. .SO RESPECT THE OPINIONS OF OTHERS AND APPLY THE WORD BHEE SO YOU WILL BE IN PEACE AND TRANQUILITY.
i am thinking about the pregnancy of ASH. PERHAPS IT IS THE FIRST CERTIFIED PREGNANCY. previously some times amenorrohoea were occurred. every body of BACHCHAN family are happy. perhaps his daughter was also delivered and is NANA. ALTHOUGH IT IS A HAPPIEST NEWS OF ALL WHO HAS SUPPORTED AND COOPERATE HER . I HOPE ABHI IS NOT HAPPY MAY BE....... SHE IS NOT SO EXITED DUE TO EXPERIENCES. IT IS NOT A NEW THING FOR HER.WE ARE CELEBRATING HER PREGNANCY.
violation of magic remedies act 1954
at present print , electronic medias are advertising provocative advertisements with obscenity and vulgarity. by this way health related advertisements are as breast enlargements, penis strong instruments, diabetes, cancer,high B P like was 56 diseases are not to be advertises. these advertisements are the violation of the magic remedies act 1954 (objectionable advertisement). for that collectors, deputy collectors, S P ,DY SP.OF THE STATE OF M P are authorized for the prosecution. up to this date no actions taken by the competent authorities. it is a heinous crime. it should be stopped and sentences and penalties should be increased.
a case against poonam pande
nakedness and obscenity, vulgarity are provocative advertisements are publishing in electronic, print medias, in journals, magazines who is taking actions against them. journalist lobby is so strong they can change the govts. i know for the sake of money all leading news papers of BHOPAL are publishing naked poses of the advertisements of the medicines like enlargement of breasts, sexual tonics. LING VARDHAK YANTRA. ETC. this is a violation of magic remedies act 1954 ( objectionable advertisements in MP all collectors, deputy collectors, S P , DY . SP are the competent authorities to take actions against them. you may ask them how much actions atken by them. now we are at liberty.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
india pak talk begins
i am unable to understand why we are our time, money, energy and food with Pakistan. all talks will be in vain. PAK is not interested to leave the matter of KASHMIR.he is adamant on the issue and we are requesting and bargaining the Kashmir. he is unable to give up cross border infiltrations , militants and terrorists, and we are praying to him . we are all doing efforts on uniting EAST AND WEST POLES. the unity is baseless and effortless . we know pak since birth .there are only meetings,seating's,eating and entertain g. she will come back with empty hands. they both secretaries are doing mouth ejaculations and hand shaking only.
Rs 3000-croredepartment sees
many govt's projects are the real sources of corruptions.irregularities are there. the concerned officers think that this is a unaudited money so LOOT SAKO TO LOOT. causes of conflicts are money. chor bhee imandar saathi chahta hain. thieves want honest companions. so the amount is huge and above mentioned irregularities are common and every wants to whole money. he does not share the money., like pig eats dirtiest thing but wants alone. over eating causes indigestion's, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration and death. like wise the death of SACHAN IS HIMSELF. he is a cause we know there is a clandestine nexus . so the cause of death is corruptions. to be honest and less corrupt. during investigations more will involved and they will die or killed. no body is safe in corrupt channels.
I THINK THAT U P IS NOW A DAYS A PARADISE OF CRIMES.ALL SORTS OF CRIMES ARE PREVALENT IN U P. there is no law and order. yes there is LAA AND ORDERS. corruptions, law less ness is there. no control of govt. local body leadership is high placed. every day every time, 24days, every week and whole year crimes are increasing. no securities. secured places are more dangerous than common places. it should be controlled.
is diggi is bitten by mad dog. or he is a of hydro phobia,due to this disease a hallucination occur. mind it we are living in democratic country. it is not your RAJA SHAHI that you may treat them as a slaves,so they can bear your atrocities. now we are awakened. no body will bear your barbarism .how many people you will kill. you can not touch your own family members ANNA is senior and aged person so you should respect him. ideology may be differ but manner is other thing. we know you are in power so you may killed who will oppose you. country is waiting for revolt. if revolution will occur no body will remain like IRAQ, EGYPT, LIBIYA. WE WANT YOU WASH YOUR HANDS WITH THE BLOOD OF INNOCENTS. GOD SEES THE TRUTH BUT WAITS.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
it is a good news that U S A IS withdrawing the troops from the Afghanistan it is the duty to with draw the forces. we are all business men. we see the balance sheet profits and losses. previously U S A has enjoyed lot. it is nothing, the main objects are oils and other are the eradication of it is a good news that the troops will come out from AFGHANISTAN. the cause is due to over burden on the body wants that my power may minimize but the expenses are more and out come is less so it is terrorists. in true sense U S A wants temporary H Q in MIDDLE EAST for the control on this area. U S A not worried for the developments of the countries. these countries are facing crisis in form of starvation, health, education, employments, and daily needs.U S A is not interested in these fields. in my views when you expense huge sum in military so plan for the developments of the country. we want that we should be cordial to the country men. you are using the platform in those countries which are weak and unable to resists you and your forces. i know every body has a selfish attitudes. when you and you troops are using the lands, water, foods, and primary facilities there so you should obliged that country in the form of development. we know the burden of expenses are more on your shoulders so you are unable to carry the expenses so withdrawing the troops. if that country may bear the expenses so you will not withdraw the troops years to present U SA economy is in crisis. next year is a election year so may be in trouble the PRESIDENT. not only from Afghanistan bot from on other countries U S A is bound to with draw the forces wanted or unwanted. opposition is not strong at present so U SA IS entertaining the military dramas.we know might is right up to certain limits . after that they have to adopt the same measures as in Afghanistan.why he is not making a partial HQ in Pakistan. because u s a is also interested to neutralized the power of CHINA. it will be easy for U SA to check the power of CHINA. U S A can not take the confidence on PAK. PAK is also not trusted nation. PAK had taken all benefits from U S A to control the movements of ALQUADA AND TERRORISM. U S A has no courage to ask from pak. he is cheater. you can not trust on present expenses on defense and securities are unbearable for usa. if you utilize this money in other form like wise unemployment's,health, education and on other avenues. we want peace not on the cast of huge expenses,please try to establish the peace in the form of services to the man kind. you have realized how much cost you have paid after 9/11 attacks.huge sum is expense d on LADEN. AT PRESENT SEVERAL LADENS ARE negotiate for peace and curtail the expenses on military, utilized the time, money, energy and food in constructive form and establish the peace universally.this is the ideal time for establishing the peace.we do not want conflict management.we want non violence without any blood war follows another and there seems to be no escape
not interesed in parallel govt
it is a decision taken by you may be right. ministers and politicians are so corrupts, characterless, inhuman so we can not trust them. ANNA G we want your presence. i have a doubt on the state and central govts they may treat you as RAMDEV. you and we have plenty time for the strategy may be strong.we know that we are not so strong in force and in power but we have millions in our support. we will fight in non violence manner and we will win the match with the govts. we are all with you. because this is a chronic disease , it requires operations.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
govt bends lokpal bill
i am unable to understand that why govt is showing its worried . at presentP M is a honest person so today govt should accept the point. onwards when corrupt will come so then govt can amend the bill. in true sense G O I is not interested for the eradication of corruptions. still they are passing time and diverting the moods of the people. mind it, at present we are more stronger than past. the out break of revolts are going on. when the strongest dictators are disappeared from the pictures so G O I is a democratic nation. if govt wants to hide itself so mob will be against the govt. if govt thinks that we had failed the movement of baba so it is under estimate.revolution is awaited. so apply BHEE in place of HEE. to respect the opinion of others is a ideal way. it is a conflict management. it is a alarming sign.
ounsulate in NEWYORK doing atrocity.
It is not a amazing news.powerful usage power. in true sense no body is safe. not in the house, home, streets, schools, colleges and any where. neither the cities nor the villages. every body is doing atrocities. women, children, girls are not safe in where. what was doing since a year. if she was willingly ready or he did forcefully. now matter of investigations and sub juiced also. situations are alarming.
In our country every thing is open secret. no need of security. what you want, every thing is available here. in our country LAA AND ORDER is very prevalent .in one conference the matter was under discussion, F B I chief told that in our country in crime occur so within 7 days we are able to trace the culprits. SCOTLAND YARD chief said we search the culprits within10 days. our C B I CHIEF said we are known the incidence 15 days before. F M IS NOT WRONG IN ANY WAY. WHEN COUNTRY IS SMOOTHLY RUNNING ON LAA AND ORDER BASIS SO NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE IN THIS COUNTRY. that's why we are fighting against corruptions corruptions are the back bone of the a days it is not treated as a crime .a person who is not taking bribes so he is called BACK WARD. do you know what is COLLECT ORATE MEANS to collect from all departments. IN DIRECTORATE every thing is direct. in SECRETARIAT EVERY THING IS we are living in such age where no humanity, no relations. only almighty MONEY is a all. at present the word character, honesty, religion, ethics are the words of dictionary.morality is preached by immoral minister is unqualified. law minster is criminal.SO THIS IS INDIA, BHARAT, HINDUSTAN. p m IS HONEST BUT MINISTERS ARE CORRUPT.
S H R C is a white tiger without teeth. in whole state lawlessness is there. UNCERTAIN POSITION== U P is known since body is responsible in the state.Mayawati is busy in collections of money. ministers are her agents. officials are treated as a servants and third and fourth classes are the bosses of the servants.males are endanger and girls, females are the objects of we will see how much effective SHRC. WE ARE DOUBTED IN THE STATE,ALL IS WELL DUE TO MAYAWATI.
Monday, June 20, 2011
sai baba niece thretens
it is the beginning of the conflicts. now blood shed will start. no body can prevent this episode. now it is the beginning of the DOWNFALL OF SATYA SAI peopleZAR, ZORI, ZAMEEN ,JHAGDE KEE JAD TEEN, ie there are three causes of conflicts money, and land. SAI BABA left the earth and created a disputes amongst own people. they will fight up to the last breaths of their lives. that money , properties are not earned by the trusty and relatives. they will get in free. if they did some lab our to earn the money so they will realized the the value of money, land and properties. PANI KA DHAN PANI ME, NAAK KATI BEIMANI ME.the money is earned effortless way. so they are fighting and blood sheds will be there. baba had not taught a lesson to be detached he taught to be attached. so fight and die. their money will invest in police, courts, advocates, doctors. whole estate will be body will give response now. it is the beauty of money. to earn by lab our, to protect with lab our and to expense with pains. so money is the causes of pains, agony, conflicts.
5 rapesin last week in U P
IT is the state of SHE C M. in her presence females are victimized. if he C M will be there so male will be victimized.are they new incidences in the state. it is a world wide infections. it is an epidemic in U P. IT IS THE PROUD OF STATE AND COUNTRY THAT UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF MAYA WATI SHE IS SAFE IN THE STATE AND MINORS, WOMEN ARE ALSO SAFE IN POLICE CUSTODY AND ON ROADS, HOUSES. it is a sign of progress of the state. UP is top pest in crimes. . it is a privileged to the state . MULAYAMSIGH can say that in the state social engineering is there.
penal gives lokpal bill
WE know that govt is accepting some points of civil society and civil society is interested for their agenda. govt position is not sound at it is the duty of the govt to satisfied the oppositions and public. if not the chances of revolutions are there. because due to corruptions and deposits of our currency in foreign banks are also a alarming sign of the govt. in my view govt should take actions against them may be ruling party or any one. once the huge sums will come back so we are in such a position that we will be dignified position and we will develop. culprits must be punished. one thing i want to draw that in whole world, in all nations the rules and regulations and laws are framed for 5 SIf both parties are ready to accept the lokpal bill draft is good sign of democracy. we know that government is playing fowl games.government will leave some lacunae in favor of own self. civil society will loose some important points in favor of govt. now well begin half done. really it was a herculean task done by both. we know govt is doing unwanted due to pressure. at present in govt sides many scams, corruption cases are on the screen soRIGRAHA(POSSESSION, ATTACHMENT) AND THE TREATMENTS ARE 5 VRITAS--- AHIMSA (NON VIOLENCE).SATYA (TRUTHFULNESS),ASTEYA (NON STEALING),BRAHMACHARYA(CHASITY) A govt wants to dilute the angers of the public and oppositions. some politicians are entertaining in TIHAR JNS-- HINSA ( VIOLENCE), JHOOTH( UNTRUTH), CHORI ( STEAL) KUSHEEL( NON CELIBACY )PPRIGRAHA(NON POSSESSION) today we are seeing, watching, committing 5 sins daily so need of lokpal bill, C B I , E D ,POLICE, COURTS, ADVOCATES, LAWS. RULES AND REGULATIONS. IF we follow 5 righteous paths-- VRITA so there will be no need of any courts, police, lokpal bills etc, if we will follow the 5 SINS so we will require more effective bills. one thing is there that we have lost CHARACTER FROM INDIVIDUALS, FAMILY, SOCIETY AND NATION. YOU CAN ENFORCE ALL RULES , THEY WILL BE USELESS WHEN WE WILL NOT ADOPT CHARACTER.KINDLY STRESS ON CHARACTER BUILDING. IF NOT NO BILL BE EFFECTIVE.SECOND APPLY THE WORD BHEE IN PLACE OF HEE. TO RESPECT THE OPINIONS OF OTHERS.WE ARE HOPEFUL FOR THE SUCCESS.
it is a pity story . a person who is humorous in film called double faced .a person in the form of actor and shy in the real life. that's why such people is teaches a lesson the the viewers and himself not following ownself, so what to say him. it is an example but in over all every body is in search of peace. so he is wandering here and there. when he feels soothing so onwards unwanted incidences occur and he goes in search of a piece of peace. in true sense being a rich and popular personalities this news come out until or unless blood shed occur. every day we are seeing and reading such mishap-pen in our society. it is the significant of the deterioration of the society and individual . it is increasing day by day. in film city it is a customary. there is no place of PAAP AND PUNYA. THERE ARE TWO THINGS ARE PREVALENT ---- MONEY AND SEX. no place of character, morality, ethics and honesty. every one is cheating to others. every body is playing fowl games. there is no place of skin all are skin specialist. they love skin. they are getting money for exposure of the body. skin is a cover of body. body is a source of income .they are dependent on the body. life of body is limited so within time they want to earn more and more. it is a pity chapter of OM PURI.
c m wifes gets unhappiness
it is a common pictures of the when the wife of the CM OF MAHARASHTRA faces these irregularities in the state capital, other cities and nation. no body is bothered regarding cleanliness. those are posted for the specific jobs do not performing their duties regularly, honestly, dutiful. there are responsibility and accountability you can not ask them . due to cast they are getting benefits. every where the anarchism is there . lower cadres are not accountable for their duties, and responsibilities goes to the higher officers. we are facing crucial circumstances nation wide. we are not satisfied by the lower staffs and higher officers are fearful in this regards. if you visit any public places like railway stations, bus stands, hospitals, roads, colonies, wards are full of un hygienic. there are two factors are there, personal and civic bodies. being a citizen of the city or nation it is also first duty to cooperate to the civic bodies and the duties of the servants or employees they should perform their duties honestly and requires civic sense.politicians interferences are very common in these fields no body can change these circumstances. political will power and citizen's accountability will solve the problems.we have to fight combined.
80% consensus on lokpal bill
politics is a part of controversies. it is a primary part. i can say with authority that this bill not passed by the parliament. there are several factors involved. in L S there are very honest MPS ARE THERE LIKE LALU YADAV, MULAYAM SIGH YADAV, SHARAD YADAV, L K ADVANI, SHUSHMA, SONIA, ETC. no body likes to pass the bill. all are naked in HAMAM. lIKE WISE IN R S . THEN STATE GOVTS THEN APPROVAL FROM PRESIDENT. we are still hoping against hope, we are still hoping against hope. we are optimistic. but there is a little rays of hope. they are playing games. now wait and watch.
S C rejected bail of konomozhi
it is a soothing news that KANIMOZHI bail application rejected by the apex court. it is a praiseworthy court decision. we honor the court decision. she must be behind the bars. it will be an example for others also. why she is anxious to come out from the jail. she is enjoying with all sorts of facilities.there are all her friends, relatives except her husband. time fixed schedule there. sleep, wake up take tea, meals rest. enjoy with your self. meditation is good for physical and mental not worry we are with you. madam. how i can help you.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
jaipal reddy's niece died
no body is happy, may be poor or rich. such a reputed family faces such cases so who is safe. in true sense we are following money, name fame beauty power, education, but no place of character. every body is in tension. more intentions, more tensions, less intentions less tensions, more intentions more tensions.doubts are there. they may be right but she will not returned.mental diseases are increasing day by day. no treatment. frustrations, depressions, and death. this is the make a healthy atmosphere for well being ness.
it is time for RAHUL TO TAKE P M POST
i am unable to understand that why DIGGI is anxious for RAHUL as a P M . he is in so hurry that never he may become P. M. first dethrone MAN MOHAN SIGH from the post of P M. now he is newly born child for politics. if he will be P M so diggi will be deupty P M OR Interior minister of RAHUL'S REDISENCE for domestic work. DIGGI has crossed the limits of CHAMACHA GIRI. if DIGGI wants to become minister so go to the SONIA G AND DO THE CHARAN VANDANA OF HER.first RAHUL should marry and after that take at least 10 years for internship of ministerial experiences.DIGGI is showing his loyalty like a son is worried for his father.i know behind the curtain he is playing games for his benefits. he has lost his strength in M.P. he is a greatest chamacha of nehru gandhi family. he is very selfish and opportunist in this thing i want to say the DIGGI is not trust worthy. he is not getting chances of corruptions. still he is earning in distributions of tickets and in other forms. RAHUL is capable or not we do not know but he requires some training. although he is energetic, wants bright future of country and wants developments. but during this time when ANNA and RAMDEV are fighting for corruptions so he is silent, why?. is he not interested for the eradication of corruptions or he is advocating the corruptions must be legalized and go on,no crime/or he should break his is a amazing point. first he manage his own house then think about nation's problems.
mystry cash trails lead to
wealth is a causes of many anxiety, grief,tension, conflicts. in this context i want to say that SATYA SAI always preaches us to be detached with the worldly desires and will get peace. but in present context he was just opposite.huge sums, ornaments and j wells were found in his room. what is indicates that he was totally attached with wealth. although money is a part of achieving desires. he taught us to renounced worldly desires and donate to my institutions these types are happening leading a messages that SAI was a double faced persons. i am not boasting JAIN saints they remain naked . no attachments with worldly wants. wealth will divide blood to blood , brothers to brothers and will occur blood shed. these money , gold, ornaments, properties are deposited, earned , collected by PUNYA--- due to good deeds and the collection will be good but to be attached is bad. these wealth will lead their reputations downfall. there was no limit. it is an unlimited collections. for whom you collected? for disputes. every where will be fighting. fighting will start for seat, money, management. you have preached us how to gain peace and your well wishers are residing in agony, tensions.that means you played many faced games. you have be fooled us in the name of faiths. beliefs. BABA did emotional blackmailing with the followers. now we are seeing ugly face of BABA. it is not worthy for us. one way you are teaching to denounced worldly wants and donate to us.
she will not get any relief from the court. if she gets bail so other will also try to get the bails. i am unable to understand that why she is worried for come out from the jail. she is residing there in security with homely atmosphere. although she is not in domestic atmosphere. try to live without husband or call him also in jail in any accusation. SHARAD is not sharing her grievances alas
sonia g sets the tone
all are be fooling each others. to make be fool and be fooled.the controversies are the part of politics. arguments are endless. you can not satisfy to any one. according to one point civil society i s right and other point of view government is right. no body is ready to respect others opinions. all are adamant on their views.if they will apply the word BHEE in place of HEE. MIND IT ALL ARE PLAYING CONFLICT MANAGEMENT. apply the theory of relativity. ANEKANTVAD AND SYADAVAD. this is a meaningless issue that he will not come in the preview of inquiry or not. a person who so ever may be PRESIDENT, PRIME MINISTER, C J I or any one if he finds culprits, corrupt, irregularities must be day in the present govt he or she may be saved but IN THE COURT OF GOD NO BODY IS EXEMPTED. so respectfully adopt the lokpal bill.if the hurdles will be there so people will revolt against corruptions. we are fade up with the issues and corruptions. we have now plenty time for considerations.if rtA are we loss the opportunity then revolution will start by other ways. now civil disobedient movements .SONIA G AND others are giving lip sympathy. all politicians are engulfed by corruptions. so RAMDEV AND ANNA are fighting for common causes.
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- Bandit Moorkhjee 28 minutes agoIt is a great pity that the drivel let drip by Hazare and his cohorts is making Sibal & Co look almost human. The travails of educated, rational Indians is unending.
- Yzia 30 minutes agoIt's a biggest shame in 21st Century, an uneducated foreign lady with full of mafia support is dictating the largest democracy. The entire countrymen do not have national spirit but readily accept slavary in the hands of corrupt goons.3 people liked this.
- Patriot 36 minutes agoSo at last she own the reason why Pig VJ sing and Kapil barks and pollutes the atmosphere with filth and garbage. At last he finally came out from hiding and owns up the responsibility.1 person liked this.
- Mr. Anna Hazare is simple person. His appeal without his simplicity is very little. What one is seeing now is his clever avatar throwing ctachy phrases at every opportunity. Time will tell how far he goes and what he does in next parliamentary election. He must be engaged in a debate with another more knowledgable civil society group.1 person liked this.
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Top Stories
Monday, June 13, 2011
cong steps up attack on ANNA
politics is a part of controversies. every coin has two sides. one side DIGGI is saying that in the preview of lokpal bill P M must be treated as a personal statement. if he barks on baba BJ P AND R S S as treated congress party statement. every voter has more power than ministers and officials. being a minister and official are treated second class citizen where as citizen is a free person and approach to any body like president. ministers and officials are bound by the rules. the truth is bitter. corruption eradication is the object and congress is playing mouth ejaculations. tiwari diggi, janardan, jyanti, ambika are the same.on moral. they are criticizing each others arguments are endless. WE RESPECT ANNA .RAMDEV ETC they are most pious than you congress men.
copps clueless on J DEY
the innocent killing of Dey's is an alarming sign. a person who devoted his life for criminals investigations, requires own . how direly they shot a working journalist. it was a planned and a clandestine nexus . state govt is bound to find out culprits. now a days crime rate is increasing.loss of Mr dey is unbearable.
laden was asex machine
he was a rich so enjoyed lot. if he did not done sex during that time so she will say that laden was impotent. what was wrong that laden was a sex machine.when he was married that time he was young, energetic and the atmosphere, effects on sex. puberty is the age of sex play. so they enjoyed with them when he alive d so they were weeping and died so weeping and still weeping. tears are the weapons of woman.
they will not get any relief from the SC also. why they are in hurry to come out from there. they are living there homely, freely, in tight securities. to enjoy there wanted or unwanted. although you are not feeling domestic atmosphere. there is some bondage's but being a MP you can get domestic enjoyment. nothing is impossible for you people. keep patience you will be free later on.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
pranab slams opposition , civil society
controversies are the part of politics. you can not please every one. ruling party is not desirous of completing lokpal bill and fight against corruption.because all ruling parties leaders are most corrupt because their money is deposited in foreign countries, like wise officials,corporates, industrialists .there are many bills are pending in the parliament. all are guilty conscious leaders, citizens.
baba ramdev ends fast
it is a soothing news that RAMDEV has end the fast. the fight against corruption must be continued. we want corruption free society and nation. but we know that the eradication of corruption is impossible because we have lost character. character is lost. so wealth is lost nothing is lost, health is lost some thing is lost and if character is lost every thing is first we should build the character. these agitations are lost due to there is no character. we want character building agitation then we will able to win the corruption we want some religious ethics.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
I AM UNABLE TO UNDERSTAND THE MENTALITY OF THE OPPOSITIONS. who is not guilty. he was unwanted exiled due to some fundamentalists .those are also more criminal minded. they only oppose the person, not his personalities. now they have to realized that they misdeed. he was a man of multifaceted personality. he never begged . now we have lost and also lost the credit. history will not forgive those who opposed him . it is not a new thing that during the life time no body is honored like OSHO, MAHAVEER, BUDHDHA, TULSIDAS, KABIR ETC. when they gone after that people realized the value of the person. time has gone. he will be remembered in LONDON, will known as INDIA BORN.
baba ramdev supporters
now the matter became complicated and confused. every body wants credit and not coming onwards clearly and honestly. in year 1975 ALL oppositions were united and given support to JP. at present no oppositions are united. causes are right and desirous to meet and solve but not the umbrella of one. so this is a tedious job.our country is too vast and people of different opinions. NA NAU MAN TEL HOGA, NA RADHA NACHEGI. we want the safety of ramdeb baba. baba must reconsidered his oath of fast and be simplified the way of agitations. we are worried for his health.
mumbai scribe shot dead
it is a alarming sign of killing of the journalist. a person who is fighting for the causes of society , was killed brute. i t is not a good sign of the govt, society. a journalist who is raising the issues for the betterment of the society is killed. we con dame the killing of the the journalist.
it is true that if any movement occurs the best infection of the movement is BJP , R S S..why G O I is not taking initiations on the issues raised by those. if G O I AND CONGRESS PARTY think the issues are correct so take proper actions immediate so dissolve the problems. mind it these issues are like AIDS, CANCER. there are no treatment except is the onset of the revolution. if G O I will not be concerned on these issue the revolution will occur. no will prevent. corruptions , scams, price hikes are the burning issues before the careful and take actions hasty.
i fully agree with ANNA G.DIGGI is a mental patient, he requires shock treatment. he is totally lost his intellectual feeling. he is a sadist. a time will come he will be treated as this way his statements are ignored by his party men and oppositions. he is supported by high command so he is enjoying.
Friday, June 10, 2011
JAB TUM AAYE JAGAT MAIN, JAGAT HANSA TUM ROYE, AAB TUM AISI KARNI KARO , TAAKI PEECHHE HANSI NA HOYE.M F HUSAIN was a man of self reliance. he stood and walked on his own path.although he was a man of controversies. controversies, disputes, conflicts were his inherent nature .he utilized his wishes in the form of paintings. he expressed his views in his own way. they may be right or wrong, but according to his pointof views he initiated some disputes knowingly he lived like a king of without throne and worked like a lab our he was a Olliya. he will be remembered by millions after his death like wise OSHO.HE WAS A LEGENDARY IN THE HISTORY OF PAINTINGS.
It is a soothing news for us that ba ba is recovering and give up fast. in this way we saved us and also baba . one thing i want to say that governments are heartless and like a CHATTAN, if you will try to conflict with the govt, you will be in trouble they are in safe. it does not mean that we will not oppose to the govt. we will do and will fight and win that is called AHIMSA,loss the battle is a HIMSA KNOWN AS BHAV HIMSA.TO FIGHT WITH THE TACTICS. govts are shameful. thick skinned . who are govts PRESIDENT, PM ministers,officials, clerical staffs they are accountable and responsible of every acts.when govt is well known about the anti corruption movements so why they were not prepared. they want sacrifices of the leaders. live and let live. always remember to respect the opinion of others. and apply the theory of relativity.might is right. LOKHA PARDESH KISMAT MEIN, VATAN KI YAAD KYA KARNA, JAHA BEDARD HAKAM HO , VAHA FARIYAD KYA KARNA.
konimozi bails rejected by H C
konimozhi bail application is rejected by the honorable H C. SHE is expecting from the court that her bail will be accepted . why she is so worried for bail. she is residing in TIHAR jail peacefully, no the cast of the govt, in tight security. she is free to live homely in the jail. if she needs some thing special so jail is bound to provide her like being the M P . she has right to .
ramdev taken to hospital DEHRADUN
it is an alarming sign of baba's health. if state govt will not take attention to his health, if any un towards happen may occur, effect on central govt's health be not there, they will say only the loss for the nation, but we will be suffered . we hope the baba will recover soon.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
it will be a good for D M K to withdraw the support to congress party then you will be in more trouble. at present you are getting being the alliance some safety. when you will on the earth so you will wonder here and there like do..s. please do the introspection whether you and your followers, ministers are accused or not. if they are accused so you remain in the govt or not law will do its due course actions wanted or unwanted.congress will also feel some soothing. due to you congress party is also feeling you leave the alliance and remain free from all liabilities.
death of M F HUSAIN
really M F HUSAIN'S death is the real loss of the nation. he was a man of creativity.controversies were the part of his life. he created a new lease of life. he fought bravely. he was a man of peace love. he enjoyed his life with full of pleasure and live like a king. he lived full life with greatness. he was a man of principles.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
the P M is a honest among corrupt ministers. we do not want such type of honesty, why you are not agree on this point that PM.MP, CJI AND OTHER WILL BE UNDER THE PERVIEW OF LOKPAL BILL. when you are honest so accept the recommendation of the civilsociety. after you other govt may amend the bill and should be brave and take actions.
baab ramdev to make fast, assests and relations
i want to know from BABA RAMDEV why you are not disclosing the relations with BJP AND R S S . once they are evidential proved that you are supporter of R S S AND B J P or reciprocally . why you are hiding the relations. if you will come openly so you will get more support. G O I and state govt is well known about the matter. now the question of your assets so disclose the balance sheets. when you will be neat and clean so every party will support you. if you were tainted so no body will support you. now we are concerned about your fast. GO I is not considering the fast seriously. your health is deteriorating. it is a serious matter. you life is very precious for us. so you should proof your self neat and clean, with the assets and health also relations with BJP AND RSS.
the rise of INDIA
since 2-3 months time we country men are wasting, time, energy and food. it is true the the agitators and G O I both are right and also wrong up to some extent. every coin has two sides. government and agitators are unable to respect others opinions. DO KADAM TUM BHEE CHALO, DO KADAM HUM BHEE CHALE.every body is adamant on their issues. we know the govt plays his role for his defense and agitators are also senior personalities of their fields. now we think how much time, money, energy and food are wasted or expenses by the both parties. during this period all govt machines involved for maintaining the law and orders. and on other parts the agitators are also involved in the form of time, money, energy and food. one thing is clear that the solutions of the agenda will be solved during the course of meetings and discussions no other way govt will initiate and agitators will come and sit and talk then the chances will be for solutions. how much money expensed and many problems are facing the sufferers. we know govt is powerful but the people unity is most powerful. it is a time to give up ego and find out the amicable solutions.
second freedom movement.
today's protest was peaceful happen. we want peace. we are fighting for peace. for want of peace we are fighting. ANNA'S fight is right for the welfare of the country. corruption is a cancer like disease treatment is incurable.fight is a long way. it is blind tunnel. there is a ray of hope for victory.
ramdev call for armed force
Congress Seva Dal is also one form of armed force. every body has right to protect own self. he said in the specific cause. this is not a rebellion. every organization keeps his security personnel.he only said and reaction comes simultaneously.they have . no patience.wait and watch my dear diggi
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
sushma danced in rajghat.
Congress party is a party of sadist .they can not see the the happiness of others. if some body is dancing in patriotism is wrong.the congress is at present in bankrupt. at present congress is wandering like mad dogs.
missing aide of ramdev
G O I has lost his morality. P M is not weeping on tainted ministers. he is blaming to a innocent person. government has power to issue the clean chit to KASAB, A RAJA , KALMADI. and send to jail ANNA, RAMDEV and other. every citizen is abide by law, rules and regulations begging for the votes. it is the constitutional right of every citizen to ask about the irregularities of the nation. if not so why you are begging for votes.mind it. it is a crucial point for the central govt. do not alleged to any innocent without proof.
P M ask minister to list the
P M is proud of his corrupt ministers .in his party there are some mentally imbalance persons like DIGVIJAY SINGH. P.M is like a ALI BABA CHALEESA CHOR, his all ministers are tainted, corrupts and irresponsible. at present central govt is behaving like a Wimsey. his party man like DIGGI is a patient of hydrophobia. he requires mental treatment. why you are disturbing to keep him in the cabin ate. he is sufficient to destroy your govt because his name is MARAN MEANS KILLERS. YOU KEEP HIM. how many ministers will be re moved by you from your cabinate. P M you have lost your trust. now you are a scape goat of the govt.
diggi chor
AATE HAIN CHOR. THEY ARE CONSPIRATORS. due to black hear ted person, who is not the lover of his brother so he is not a social person. he is a self centered persoi am firm in my decision that DIG VIJAY SINGH has lost his mental balance. he is a patient of hydrophobia. he requires treatment from GWALIOR, RANCHI OR AIIMS. any where he wants to go for treatment is free, will get treatment free of cast. in any circus one jokar is required like wise CONGRESS CIRCUS ONE JOKAR IS LIKE diggi who is singing a song with duggi. he
India has half dozen OSAMA
it is true that the militants, terrorists are like amoeba. the place to develop amoeba is Pakistan. the Pakistan and Pakistani es are double tongued nation and nationals. it is not amazing for Pakistan. U SA is well known in these matters. we are still wait and watch.
govt arrogant will shift platform
it is the moral duty of every citizen to protest against the brutal actions did police in RAL LILA MAIDAN. if the congress party will organized any assembly in the capital so will be no problem will be to sate and central govts because party is ruling in both . we want protest in RAJ GHAT in peaceful manner, what is the harm to the govt. one side govt is decline the atrocities of the police in RAM LILA MAIDAN.GOVT has lost the moral support before the people and country.
all is forgiven UMA
good news for UMA AND HER FOLLOWERS. it is not a new thing in politics. politics is a game of opportunities. one is desirable today and tomorrow he may be thrown from the picture. it is a good sign of B J P. party is needed those who will face the MAYA WATI. she is fit because both are the same attitudes personality. how many days she remains in B J P ..because she is out spoken and and Wimsey minded lady. we hope she will peacefully in the party and later life.
Monday, June 6, 2011
the buildings blocks north and south
the twin buildings are elegant, beautiful etc..............ministers, officials, workers not up to the marks.if buildings are high and every things are perfect but the men in the form of ministers, officials and employees are not up to the marks.these buildings are the origin of corruptions, red Trappists and not achieving the targets of the govt every ministers P M COMES AND GOES, they have no power to change the work cultures.these buildings are watching the irregularities of the subordinates . in the buildings the more irregularity are prevalent, but no body is able to take actions against them.they have veto powers. we do not want beauty but we want qualities from those buildings.
in our country for the natural justice we have to provide all appropriate opportunities to the accused. if he found culprits so sentence is there, then appeal. advocate, and argument.for the commencement of sentence starts on wards. we have to wait for the judgement of U S A COURT. THERE ARE TEDIOUS PROCEDURES IN THE JUDICIARY SYSTEM.
aide holds key
big name big is true that with the rainy waters rivers are not flooded until and unless when nallahs and nalies water are added. it is true that when with in short time he had earned huge sums so there are more chances of irregularities in the accounts. govt have widest ranges of investigations. they will not appreciate your good things . they will find faults. so if there will be any faults so govt will encircled to the baba and his organizations. so now the govt will take its actions in own course.we hope baba may be neat and clean but chances are thin in this regards. wait and watch.
may be behind the bars and may be kept house arrest. govt can adopt any means and measures to eliminate his anti. it is a matter of great concerned. we have to approach to the court.
it is true that when in open place in RAM LILA MAIDAN government had taken brutal actions against the agitators so in the closed chamber govt may threaten them only 5 persons of civil society. govt is not trustworthy in present time. P M is denying, party is allegation and ministers are briefing misrepresentations.i request to the civil society members to be aware and live web cast is correct and advisable.
there was no alternative sats PM
P M is a honest as R RAJA, KALMADI etc. he wants such honest persons those are able to fund his government and party with ministers. i hope that P M should examine his eyes test and also ears test. because perhaps P M has not seen the videos of all news channels.those videos are so clear that blind can understand and he will listen the voices of cries of sufferers. perhaps PM is following the principles of GANDHI JI--- BURA MAT DEKHO, BURA MAT SUNO AND BURA MAT BOLO. in this way you will face the criticism in parliament and out side. you should not be so innocent so you seem to be a poor child. you may be right according to the basis of reports produced by officials. it is a customary procedure. poor P M be wise .
SHOE attack on congress leader dwedi
it is the beginning of the revolt. today shoe is shown, then thrown and then beating. you can not prevent the emotions of the people. because the GOI AND STATE GOVT have shown merciless , brutal misdeeds. every person has his own defense. but bad is bad and good is good. according to you, you did right and from others point of view it is wrong.congress man be cautious for future.
BJP to meet president on ramdev issue
really the G O I has lost the moral support of the people. in the democratic country every body has right to expressions of his thought with in the constitution of INDIA. BEING in the government you have all rights to kill the people openly. every where are proves. life telecast was there of atrocities. really police done brutally his duties.government had taken actions in the midnight when all were sleeping. they are in peace and following the principles of non violence. this is a tragic actions taken by government. mind it government means ministers, officials are now not safe. they will also meet the same fate. it is an alarming sign of democracy.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
it is a moral duty of civil society to support to RAMDEV BABA. .because both and others are fighting for the common causes of he society and country. when you will support him so his followers will support you. AANA G you can not fight alone and it is a big fight between you people and government ALL LIFE IS MUTUALLY SUPPORTIVE.
BJP sees chance goes for the juggelar
it is not a issue of any party, it is a issue of whole nation. why G O I is frightening to bring the ordinance regarding in this issue. when G O I and congress party are well known about this issue so they should be ready, but G O I is not clean and clear in this regard. at present time G O I and congress party are totally failures in these fields. they want unrest so they will deviate the main issues and be in safe. now revolution is started. it is a pro dermal sign of the disease. in this juncture all should united to fight against the government and support to ramdev and other who are fighting the same cause. it is not a time who will gain the credits. it is the downfall of the government.
SONIA calls for counter attack
every coin has two sides. from one point of view he is wrong and other point of view he is wrong. it is a differences of opinion.. congress is unable to digest the popularity of BABA RAMDEO. it is a burning question before the party and G O I that baba is right and mobs are with him. G O I is shown a hasty actions on the mobs. no body is dare to respect to others. one thing is clear that G O I and the congress party is not neat and clean in this issue. i know that there are maximum leaders and ministers are keeping their black money in foreign banks. if this list be discloses many or maximum or all politicians, officials, ministers, industrialists will be behind the bars. this is the only issue before the ruling party and government. RAMDEO is fighting for the common causes of the nation. his fight is against the government for the welfare of the country. when G O I IS known about the issue to solve the problem in a appropriate way. government wants conflict management so the issue will be in side track and they will pass the time. now today government is alone in this issue. congrees party and government can not show their timidness but future is dark. every person has on defense but in true sense to do the introspection and find out the way. and accept the faults committed by the party and government. now we are leading towards ARAB COUNTRIES LIKE REVOLT. Manmohan Singh PM HAS SHOWN THE COWARDLINESS IN THIS MATTER. it is a shameful condition of the government. future is dark . no body will help to P M . he is totally accountable and responsible for this misdeed. wait and watch. to respect the opinion of others.
i endorse my opinion to Mulayam Sngh's views. REALLY G O I lost moral values.congress party is a party of ali baba chalis chor. in the party all are ali baba and chor. every body is effected by corruptions. we need eradication's of corruptions. one has initiation so every body is worried. why? all are in this preview of corruptions.we like Mulayam support to BABA RAMDE
Saturday, June 4, 2011
JAYA announces probe
it is not new thing,.every new govt takes necessary actions against old govt. it is a procedural work. for future Jaya will also beware for your politics no body is exempted by irregularities. as you sow shall you reap.we want dispute so always you will be busy in your business
all is theory based statements. they seems best but in true sense who is following the action for saving environment. who are following. we want minimum but they are going maximum. in which field we are sensible. it is only lip sympathy. for example the builders are following the rules of environments. at present in our BHOPAL, roads constrictions are going. whole roads are concrete based it is good for hygienic points of view, but environment . points of view, no soil is there. concrete is absorbing heat in day time and diffused the heat in night, so atmosphere remains hot 24 wise water the misuses are not controlled. every body is preaching to other and not following. charity begins from the home. one day we are celebrating the environment day ,day or the is celebrated and we are not following whole year. for developments of houses, roads, industries we are cutting trees, misuses of water, electricity. so this is nothing only enjoyment of the day.PAR UPDESH KUSHAL BAHUTERE,
U S A has taken a brave and courageous steps to eliminate and eradicate the terrorists and militants. might is right. pak is a indirectly and directly supporters of militants and terrorist. but these are like amoeba. one killed, developed in double. we are thankful and grateful to AMERICA that by using his powers, techniques, information's and bravery he will cure the diseases.. he is playing successful games in the land of pak. these incidences indicate that pak is asylum of unsocial elements. still in pak thousands of unsocial elements are residing in the pak with the consents of politicians, military officials . local self govt, police. continue the opratoins for the eliminations of unsocial elements.
midnight police swoop on ramdev
every coin has two sides. according to one point of view baba is right and also government is also right.previously i have written a comment that we should respect the opinion of others. non violence preaches us moral value.baba and government are not respecting each other. the theory of relativity is needed in every walk of life.the theory of the anekatavad and sydavad teaches us to respect the opinion of others.if we will apply the woad BHEE( ALSO) so there will be no chances of dispute and if you apply the word HEE( MUST, HAVE TO, SHOULD) so dispute will arise.we should avoid conflict management. the ideal way is you are ok and i am ok.we do not know the politics of behind the curtain but the measures and methods are adopted by the govt on the innocent people, agitators are wrong.govt was well known since long about the satya graha and the demands so govt must be prepared. and if the negotiations was done so there was no need of satyagraha . i think this is the fight of egoism. every body is right. they are not respecting to others. problems are the same but way of approaches are different.we know thay govt have vast powers but govt should not forget that you are ruling the people. if people will not any where to whom you will rule. o not forget that mobs have more power. now the post operative complications may be worst or easily cured. i am unable to understand that this matter will not subside easily. the out break will my view please follow the heritages of our culture in religious points of views. the problems are big and small also. if you treat and patient cures means treatment is right if not cured so do the introspection . patient is obedient or not, whether he has taken medicines in time or not, the the genuineness of medicines and diagnosis is right or not. the demands are right and we want justice. now post operative complications required wait and watch. now this is a bad impression of govt is world wide.
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